Looking through the fog


To all who walk around in a fog, stop and rest here.
All of us need to blink away the mist that clouds our vision.
What is your vision?
What is keeping you from it?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Gadget poll

Little trouble with that one. I don't like the arrows up and down. If I make it tighter on the wordage maybe that will work. Okay let's see.

Audio books ROCK

R-ready when you are
O-open on any of the mp3 devices
C- charge? no
K-Kid friendly books as well as adult
You must read the "how to" and "what for"! Thoses are important. Once you got those down it's a breeze!


If only I could spend all day. In a blog you can make people aware of things that they may not find on there own. Like the link I just added about our education system. there is also a "Falcon" cam on top of the Evanston Public Library along with tons of other coot animal web-cams. How do you get people to check out your blog? Just like any other search, make sure you have the keywords that will lead people with the same interests to your blog.


Check out my new LINKS section right above my picture.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Face book can be a foggy place. You really don't know who is who. You can make up a whole imaginary persona and post what everrr. That's a little scary. I do like keeping up with friends and family but it's mostly my nieces and kids that post video and pictures. You really have to have self confidence to be a avid social network user. Is what I have to say really that interesting? Probably not but that is not the point. People just want to be heard.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Not very intuitive. I felt to get a photo off of photobucket, I kept going around in circles. I don't think I would want to have someone else's stuff any way. I like to use the pics. from my computer. I do think storing all the photos somewhere is a good idea. Although......I can keep them in the memory cards and put those in my fireproof safe!!! Ha-Ha!

Looks like I have to change my utube

Without looking ahead I has already added a picture and video. I changed the video to the pink glove dance.

new post RSS feed

Okay so I learned you can't just keep posting because it connects under the first one as a comment. I think I knew that. So that's where the RSS feed comment is. For all my ranting on RSS feeds I just think I would like all my eggs in one basket. Like all on this blog.